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Journal of Psychological Dynamics in Mood Disorders (PDMD) is a scientific open-access double-blind anonymous peer-review journal publishing original articles, reviews, short communications and scientific reports of a high scientific and ethical standard in psychology, focusing on mood disorders and psychological dynamics. This journal is published four times per year, in Persian, by Maher Talent and Intelligence Testing Institute. It covers scientific subjects in the following fields:

  • Psychological and psychophysiological aspects of chronic diseases.
  • Stress, anxiety, and defense mechanisms.
  • Behavioral, cognitive, and social models related to psychotherapy.
  • Psychological processes and the persistence of mental disorders and diseases threatening mental health.
  • Psychological interventions in the treatment of diseases threatening health.
  • Studies with qualitative and mixed methodology in the field of psychology and psychotherapy.
  • Development of interdisciplinary studies in the health sector.
  • Attention, perception, memory, executive functions, cognitive rehabilitation.
  • Models and cognitive processes in emotional disorders.


Journal Information

Country of publication: Iran
Publisher: Maher Talent and Intelligence Testing Institute (Maher)
Director-in-Charge: MohammadReza Ghayebi Mehmandoost
Editor-in-Chief: Hadi Bahrami
Specialty field: Psychology
Journal accreditation: Scientific research
Language of the journal: Persian with English abstract
Publication frequency: Quarterly
Type of publication: Electronic
E-ISSN: 2981-1759
Open access: Yes
Article Processing Charges (APCs): None
Type of peer review: Double-blind peer review
Review time: Initial review by the specialized secretary in 7 working days, preliminary review by up to 3 reviewers in 1 to 2 months, final review in 15 days to 1 month
Indexed in: Magiran, ENSANI, ISC, SID
Access to articles: Free
Journal email:

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 4 - Serial Number 8, March 2024 

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